Monday, March 15, 2010

So This is Florida

There are no snow angels in Florida. As far as I'm concerned, this is a major state oversight.

But somehow Florida manages to make up for it. Despite this shocking lack of seasonal cheer, Winter in Florida can be wonderful.

Yes, Floridans deserve to be pitied. After all, we must endure sniffles without snowballs, and at Christmas time we are oft subjected to the sight of tacky seasonal displays featuring Santa in swim trunks riding behind ranks of dolphins.

But, after all, this is Florida.

And this is worth it.


  1. Beautiful pictures! I live in Southern California and we usually do not get snow either, so I know how you feel.
    In Christ,
    P.S. Love your blog!

  2. You don't realize how blessed you are to live in Florida!! We just returned from a vacation to Pensecola, FL, and came back to dreary, rainy Ohio with little mountains of browned snow, and brown leaves crushed into the muddy ground. :-S Snow is okay at Christmastime but after that it gets kind of tiresome. :-)

    The pictures you posted are BEAUTIFUL! I love the one with the swing by the water.

  3. Beautiful pictures, Shannon! I loved them. :)

  4. What beautiful pictures. I live in Alaska, so I can say there is a contrast!

  5. The grass is always greener I suppose! I certainly envy you warmer temperatures at the moment - we're only just beginning to see a bit of spring, and I would love to be in Florida!

    lovely pictures :-)

  6. You summed up my thoughts exactly!!
    I like winter, but a little snow to compensate for our "sniffles" would be nice! Though, I would agree that we are very blessed with other beautiful backdrops in winter.

  7. Beautiful pictures! I hope all is well with y'all ~ and that you're enjoying being married!

    Much love,

  8. Ah, yes. You are right. No matter how much we might long for a different winter, we truly are blessed to live where we do!

    Now the problem is remembering this...


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