Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"Bran-new" Skirt

I have always loved how Charles Dickens uses "bran new" in the first chapters of Our Mutual Friend. Because, of course, very few people actually include the "d" when they say "brand new."

But that is slightly off-topic. What is on topic is a bran-new wrap skirt, hemmed to tea length for summer.

The fabric is one of those delightful "unknown origins" fabrics for $1 per yard at Wal Mart. Who can resist mystery fabric? Actually, I have a healthy loathing for mysteries of that sort, but this fabric had a nice lightweight weave and a beautiful color. Resistance was futile. But that light weave means that this one skirt that will definitely need a petticoat! I used Conni's fabulous Wrap Skirt Tutorial: Part 1 and Part 2. Although, to tell the truth this skirt is so simple to make up that I never had to look at the directions again after the first skirt.

The two buttons (instead of a sash) came from my stash. I had purchased them for another project and then discovered that they were a few shades too dark. I would normally look for something low-profile for a skirt like this, but the colors matched perfectly and I couldn't resist.

Simplicity (and I'm not referring to the pattern company) is delightful. Right now I'm working on a skirt with 8 godets and thinking longingly of the hour it took to cut out and sew my wrap skirt.


  1. We have two desks just like the one in your picture! I'd love to have several for (someday) my own children to homeschool them. =)

  2. Oops! Forgot to say that the color of your skirt is a *perfect* shade of blue! Sometime this spring, I'd like to make a wrap skirt, so I'll have to bookmark the site. Do they ever "come open?"

    Your shoes are really cute too!

  3. I love old schooldesks! We have another desk that we purchased in England. It's so tiny! Hmm, maybe a blog post on it coming up?

    I've never had any trouble with my wrap skirts coming open, except in the very strongest wind! But I've always been able to catch them in time. It would be fairly easy to pin it closed part-way down for more security. I hope it works out for you! They're so delightfully swirly!

    Yours in Christ,


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