Tuesday, October 30, 2007

To Mark a Page...

While reading a magazine, I came across the idea of using an old book spine as a bookmark. I never thought it would be a practical reality because I value old books far too much to use their spines as bookmarks. However, when our old "Concise Oxford Dictionary" was ready to retired, I realized that this was the perfect opportunity to try it! I removed the brown packing tape that was holding it together and saved the pages for scrapbooking purposes. I used thick cardstock as a backing for the spine.

On the back of the bookmark I used some of the dictionary pages to add interest and dimension. Incidentally, I happened to use a page from the "O" section that has one of my favorite words in the England language -- Onomatopoeia (words that sound like what they are, such as "buzz" or "hum"). I couldn't have planned it better if I had tried! One of my antique copies of "Little Dorrit" is graciously serving as the background for the pictures. Now I just have to find the perfect tassel...


  1. What a NEAT Idea! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love this idea and would like to feature it on my blog http://tutorialsandpatterns.blogspot.com with your permission. I would post a picture with a brief description and then link back to your blog. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

  3. Marti,

    That would be perfectly fine! Thank you so much for asking permission!


  4. Thank you Shannon. I didn't think to come back to your blog to check for a reply until tonight. I hesitate to add a photo to my blog that isn't watermarked in case it is pinned from there (even though I have asked that people not pin from there). Would you like to add your blog url or let me do it before posting the photo?

  5. Marti,

    Thanks for your concern, but I don't think I'll bother with a watermark for this. If it gets pinned, so be it :-)



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