Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's a Numbers Thing

Since this is my 444th post, perhaps it's appropriate to post some random musings on one of my more bizarre quirks.

I've always been a numbers girl -- I loved math when I was younger (until I got past algebra), and have always enjoyed the consistency, structure, and predictability of mathematical equations. But numbers themselves also fascinate me.

For instance, I can't decide whether my favorite time of day is 11:11 or 12:34 (p.m. in the latter case, since I prefer not to be conscious at 12:34 a.m.!). 11:11 has the advantage of four of the same numeral in a row, but 12:34 has a certain irresistible draw because it uses the numbers from one to four in order.

And any number that includes three or more numerals is subject to dissection in my mind, because I always try to find a way to make an equation out of it. An address like "1459 Main Street" is very satisfactory, because 1 x 4 + 5 = 9. I've caught myself becoming vexed when there's no way to make a telephone number add up!

I did warn you that this was going to be random. Deep down, I'm hoping that someone else who becomes excited when they notice it's 5:55 in the afternoon will chime in and say "Oh, I know exactly what you mean!" Because part of me worries that there's some long Latin name involving mental abnormality to describe this particular numeric quirk. *wink*

And to honor this 444th milestone (doesn't that triad of fours have a satisfying symmetry?) -- and to seal my psychiatric diagnosis -- I'll go ahead and schedule this post for 4:44 this afternoon.


  1. Aaaah, I *knew* you were a kindred spirit! :D ME TOO (and most of my family!) is really the only thing to say...oh, except would you like to know the numbers that have me most excited? My "due date" is 3-31-11 ...no one else seems to get my excitement that it's practically the same as "3-3-3", and it just so happens to be my third baby. :D I know the odds of this one coming on his/her due date are astronomically slim, but if there was ever a day to hit, this would be a good one! ;)

  2. First, let me say hi (this is my first time commenting)and that I found your blog through Luci's and that I always feel refreshed and inspired whenever I come here!

    Second, I too love unusal combinations of numbers. I simply loved the fact that my wedding date was January 2, 2010, which meant that we were married on 01-02-2010! I must have told that to every person I met!

  3. I was quite sad when I noticed that I'd missed seeing my car's odometer hit 23456 recently! Now it's 23532, so that's good too. ;) happy 444th post!

  4. I love numbers too! I also make up equations for numbers I hear. I especially love analyzing phone numbers. I do NOT like prime numbers though because they aren't good "sharing" numbers (my favorite numbers are 12 and 24 because of all the ways they can be divided - maybe it's the teacher or mother in me!).
    Amelia's due date was September 13th and there were *so* many prime numbers around that time - 11, 13, 17, 19. I kept saying, "Okay, she can't come on Saturday or Monday because they are prime numbers, but she CAN come on Sunday or Tuesday." She was born on the 21st - which isn't one of my favorites, but much more satisfactory than the 23rd! ;)

  5. I can't tell you how glad I am that other undeniably sane people share this quirk! ;-)

    Tilly, what a wonderful due date! Hopefully your little one will realize what an opportunity she/he has, and take advantage of it! :-)

    Keary, we were married just a week after you were, on 1/9/10 -- another great anniversary date!

    Luci, love the 23532 -- it's like a palindrome for numbers! :-)

    Keri, I'd never thought about prime numbers before, but you're right (although I'm still fond of 11 because it's a "double"). I'm so glad Amelia didn't come on a prime number day (sensible infant!). :-)


  6. Yes! I *do* know what you mean! It's so much fun to see 10:10, or 11:11, or 12:12 on the clock! I also love adding things up! And I agree fully with third paragraph!

  7. This is a very fun post...I've been surrounded by mathematitians all my life! My dad would drive by an address and analyze it and tell us if it was prime or not! I fell in love and married a math major, now a programmer and number cruncher! What to my surprise...my son started to start anylyzing numbers right after he learned about factoring. I have to admit that I have fun with numbers, too.

    No, I don't think having fun with fun with numbers is a psychiatiric problem! ;)

    Thanks for your blog site.

  8. I'm not good with numbers, but I'm definitely weird about them, and I am completely with you on 12:34 and 11:11. Congratulations on 444 posts!

    On a completely unrelated note, do you mind emailing me with your mailing address so that I can get your wool nursing pads out to you? My email is in my profile. :)

  9. Shannon, I guess you hope your baby will be born on january 11th (or 1st) 2011!!!!

    I also have a thing for number :-)

  10. I'm feeling so much better (and more normal) now! ;-)

    Serena, I'll e-mail you -- thank you so much!

    Elena, that's fabulous! I hadn't even thought of that! :-)


  11. I enjoy getting totals of 34.43 or 1.11 when I'm cashiering. It also tickles me when the totals sound like dates, like 18.61; then I have to control myself from saying, "So tell me something that happened in 1861." Someday I hope to come across some history nerd who will let me ask such dorky questions. 666 also amuses me, whether it's a grocery total or the treadmill's calorie counter telling me that I've burned 666 calories.


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