Friday, December 10, 2010

Hast Thou Not Heard?

"Hast thou not heard that the everlasting God,
the Lord
hath created the ends of the earth?
He neither fainteth, nor is weary:
there is no searching of His understanding.

But He giveth strength unto him that fainteth,
and unto him that hath no strength,
He increaseth power.

Even the young men shall faint and be weary,
and the young men shall stumble and fall.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength:
they shall lift up the wings, as the eagles:
they shall run, and not be weary,
and they shall walk and not faint."

~ Isaiah 40:28-31 ~

As we count down the days until a certain someone is supposed to make an appearance, I've been collecting verses for labor and delivery. There's a little stack of them, ready to go, neatly (if not glamorously) written out on index cards -- and hopefully they're legible enough that Pablo will be able to read them to me if necessary! Even now I find it comforting to meditate on them, to dwell on the realities of God's power and love. What a joy it is to be loved by the Creator of the universe!


  1. I had a labor verse as well. It was very helpful and I said it through every contraction. A friend gave me the advice that when you get to the point where you can't remember your verse anymore, it's time for the epidural! ;)

    I was thinking the other day that you could sell your pictures to stock photo websites. Your pictures are beautiful and versatile. I could see them doing well!

  2. Ooo, how exciting - not long now? What a great idea to write verses out for labour!

  3. Your baby must be due very soon - I hope you have a safe delivery and that the baby is born healthy - a Christmas miracle :-)

  4. What a lovely photo! I am so happy for you Shannon. :)


  5. I had scripture and worship songs going through my mind during my last labour. Such a comfort and reassurance to have the Lord's presence with us. It was my best labour. Praying for you. May the Lord bless you and your baby.


  6. What a lovely idea. As we are expecting our second blessing next summer I will have to do the same thing! Thank you and may God bless you through you labor and delivery and first few weeks of mohterhood. It is a HUGE blessing!!!

  7. What a great idea! I'll have to start doing that before Baby arrives in July. :) Nothing comforts like the Lord's promises.

    I love your photos, too... You have such an eye for color.

  8. Dear Sweet Shannon,
    I also had Scripture verses when you were being born. I am thrilled for you and how wonderfully you are prepared for this new little one! He/She will be such a blessing to your life and Pablo's~a beautiful combination of the love that you share for each other and soon your Precious One! Love, Mumsy soon to be "Grandmumsy"

  9. Wishing you the best on your upcoming delivery. I had to share that the last sentence of your post really impacted me. It's good to be reminded sometimes, and I thank you for doing so. Amen and Amen!

  10. Lauren and I a praying for you and also very excited!
    Mrs. Hope


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