I'm joining up with Ginny's monthly Yarn Along for June, and the only title I could think of for this month is "Profusion." A profusion of projects, books, and green-and-growing things.
May was a good month for knitting, though it had some ups and downs. The "up" was finishing my Looking Back cardigan (pictures coming soon!), even though it was too warm to wear it. It's safely tucked away for the fall. The "down" was having to frog back 2 1/2 skeins of yarn for the Starboard pullover I'm knitting for Little Man. I realized when I got to the end of the body that my measurements were off -- I'd reduced my needle size because my gauge was too big, but apparently I reduced it too much. Additionally, I'd made a mistake in the increases at the neck, which I repaired rather than frogging back to the mistake. I thought it would be okay, but it bothered me every time I saw it -- and I became more and more convinced that blocking wouldn't make it look better. So I frogged all the way back and started again, which means I don't have that much to show for all of my May knitting! Boo. I haven't had to frog back that much of a project in a long time, and it is a bit disheartening. But I do feel better now that I've started again (bigger needle and bigger size, just for good measure!), and it's knitting up quickly.
You can also see my Bubble Net cowl, which is my current "mindless" pattern. It does have a lace pattern, but it's a simple 2-row repeat (with a knit row in between), so it still qualifies as an easy project to pick up when I need something simple. I suppose two knitting projects is not really a "profusion," especially since I like to keep two projects on my needles whenever possible.
But I made up for it with my pile of books! I was excited to find Craeft in our library system -- I spotted it on Katherine's blog during the last Yarn Along, and knew I had to give it a go. I'm just getting into it, but it's intriguing so far. Comfort Detox was also in our library and had been on my list for a while, so I put it on hold. Ironically, it arrived at my local branch at the same time as my interlibrary loan request, Uncomfortable! Apparently I'm feeling too comfortable? Who Could That Be at This Hour? was a total impulse as I was browsing the juvenile section (supposedly looking for books for my children! Ha!) -- I can't resist Lemony Snicket, and had no idea there was a new series. My tablet is on the top of the stack, because I'm also part-way through An American Princess: the Many Lives of Allene Tew. I don't remember where I spotted it, but it piqued my interest -- and a few days later, it showed up as one of the free monthly ebook options from Amazon! It's certainly engaging, though not really a feel-good read -- so far, Allene's life seems far from enviable.
I try to be good about not reading too much at the same time (and technically I finished Who Could That Be and Uncomfortable before starting Comfort Detox), but between holds and interlibrary loans and my lack of self-control, I have a lot of reading to do!
June is always a bit of a surprise to me in Virginia. I suppose I sort of expect Spring's fervor to abate by June (in Florida everything was so hot that few plants looked great at this time of year!), but it's just the reverse. Hydrangeas and lilies are just coming into their own right now, and an exceedingly wet May has produced some lovely results!
Both the hydrangea above and the lilies below were gifts from a neighbor who was moving -- she's got two green thumbs, and wanted to pass along her plants to someone who cared (her house was bought by a flipper who wasn't planning to keep her beautiful garden). The day before closing, I trekked across the street with a wagon and a shovel, and tried not to look conspicuous as I made off with her best plants! I dug up the hydrangea and as many lilies as I could (at least 15 to 20, I think?), along with a colony of irises. Over the next few days, I tried to "install" them in our own yard -- only to discover that unlike my neighbor's rich, well-tilled soil, our back yard is a maze of roots. So. Many. Roots. I finally prevailed and got everything in the ground, but goodness! Now, several months later, all of the plants are flourishing and I'm basking in the free-to-me beauty as they start to bloom.
What's growing on your needles, mind, and/or bit of earth? It's a breezy, balmy day here in Virginia, so excuse me while I go enjoy it!
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