Thursday, March 28, 2019

Give Me Liberty... and Linen

I bought one yard of Liberty of London cotton from Fabricworm a while back, with the intention of making something for Rosa. I do love Liberty fabrics, and their quilting weight cottons give me the chance to enjoy their prints (in moderation) without paying the hefty price tag for their lawns! Maybe one day I will splurge...

Anyway, once I figured out what I wanted to make, I had to buy some coordinating ochre linen (of course!), and soon after set to work. This is a bit late to be posting, considering that I finished this ensemble back in the fall. But somehow it never got photographed, and Spring seems a more appropriate time, anyway.

I used the Shaka Laka Peter Pan blouse pattern as a starting point, but diverged very quickly! The linen skirt is a simple rectangle with elastic waist and a faux drawstring.

Sleeve ruffles seemed summery and feminine! They're perfect when working with limited amounts of fabric, too.

The back buttons up with some vintage buttons -- I have quite a stash of that particular type, gifted by a friend from church a decade ago. I'm dreading the day I run out, because they're quite versatile!

It's hanging in the closet now, just waiting for those temperatures to start climbing. I get to indulge my love of Liberty, Rosa gets to enjoy a new outfit, and her closet is one step closer to being ready for summer. Though I should probably pace myself; we've only just left winter behind!


I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thank you so much for stopping by!