Friday, March 01, 2019

Handmade Christmas: Ear Warmers

Confession time -- I struggle so much with picking gifts for people (other than my children! I know EXACTLY what they'd like!). I hem and haw, never sure what would be right. And when it comes to extended family that we don't see very often, the decisions become even harder. This year, I turned to my yarn stash for the answers, and while I rather doubt that the results were suited to the recipients, I did try! I'm hoping that it really is the thought that counts...

The "execution" was certainly fun, though. I've never tried ear warmers before, and they were just detailed enough to be interesting (and not so detailed that they were frustrating!). The first pattern came from Melody Charlotte, and was knit with doubled Sugar Baby Alpaca in Quetzal green (leftover from my Looking Back Cardigan). 

Raveled here.

The second was knit with Universal Yarn Eden Silk, in Coal and Cream, using the free Chevron Panel Ear Warmer pattern. It's hard to pick up the chevron pattern in the photo, but it adds a nice bit of texture. Again, a simple and satisfying knit that was easy to finish up before Christmas! 

Raveled here

With Christmas gifts wrapped up, I was able to turn my knitting attentions to a project that I've been alternately terrified of and fascinated by: socks!


  1. That turquoise one is gorgeous.

    I've been knitting for over a decade and never tried socks. I mostly try to avoid wearing them myself. Maybe I'll try baby or boot socks, some time.

    1. Livia Rachelle,

      Thanks! I think that one's my favorite, too. :-)

      I don't wear socks much when I'm going out (most of my outfits aren't "sock friendly"), but I do tend to wear them at home! I started with baby socks -- and decorative ones, at that -- which were much less intimidating, time-consuming, and expensive than an adult socks. ;-)



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