Monday, June 28, 2021

Forest Friends

A few friends joined us unexpectedly for a picnic lunch near the creek. A handful of ground squirrels scampered about, darting close to our table before rushing back to cover. I've only seen a few Stellar's Jays during our time here, so having one perch in a tree right by our table was so lovely! He watched us very closely the whole time, and flew down to our table as soon as we'd left. I suppose they've figured out that picnickers mean food... 



  1. It's so cool to see the fauna in the Western half of our country. Thank you for sharing!

    1. I was happy to have such photogenic subjects (and my zoom lens)! ;-) I've thoroughly enjoyed the variety of wildlife out here.


  2. Wow! What a beautiful bird! You really got some good pictures of it. I have always enjoyed ground squirrels. They are fun to watch. May you have more enjoyable days like that and don't forget your camera . ;-) You did get some very good pictures. Thanks for sharing. Blessings

  3. Carie,

    We certainly enjoyed watching the antics of the ground squirrels (which I'd mislabeled as chipmunks! Fixed that ;-). And yes, I was certainly glad I'd brought my zoom lens on this particular outing! Thank you for your kind words.



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