Friday, July 16, 2021

Elven Woods Socks (and a Farewell to Ravelry)

I've finally finished up my Elven Woods Socks -- I have no idea why these took so long! I do love Olivia's sock patterns; this is my second finished pair, and I have several of her patterns that I'm eager to try. They're also very reasonable (and some were free on Ravelry).

I've been on a bit of Tolkien knitting kick lately, having just finished up my Grey Havens sweater (pictures forthcoming, but don't hold your breath -- it's too hot to take pictures just now).

I knit these with gifted yarn that happily matched up on both socks (except for a patch on the top of the feet, which perplexes me!). I had no idea how to ensure that the colors changed in the same place on each sock, but I ended up not needing to do anything. I just started the 2nd sock where I left off on the 1st!

Overall I'm quite pleased with these -- they're comfy and turned out rather well. But I do have some regrets! I opted to do the lace pattern 3 times instead of as written, and it ended up longer on the calf than I'd have liked. They have a tendency to sag a little, and the lace pattern doesn't really stand out as much as it would with a solid yarn. 

Also, I thought I'd be clever and add the little ribbing detail on the top of the foot. What I didn't realize was that the pattern included a pretty little mini-lace pattern near the toe. I wish I'd done that, instead! And to top it all off, the ribbing ended up being a royal pain on the 2nd sock because I forgot to start it in the right spot and had to do some strategic (read: time consuming and tedious) frogging to fix that.

I knit these with 2.0mm needles, which is standard for me -- I usually find women's medium-sized socks to be too large. I also made the feet a little longer than usual, because I've been finding that when I knit a Fish Lips Kiss heel there is a tendency for the heel to end up sliding down the foot. 

All in all, I now have a cozy pair of socks that were enjoyable to knit. Time to move on to the next project in my queue...

PS -- Sadly, I've decided it's time for me to leave Ravelry. I debated leaving last year during the whole political fiasco, but eventually decided to stay and just purchase the patterns I wanted from other websites whenever possible. But recently they posted Gay Pride artwork to their homepage that included sexually explicit (albeit cartoon) images. While I have never liked Ravelry's rather aggressive pro-homosexual and  liberal political stance (I don't see what on earth it has to do with knitting -- I think we can be kind to one another without pushing agendas), I absolutely draw the line at explicit material. It took a while, but I went through and tried to find all of the patterns I'd saved on other websites and have started using Pinterest to organize my favorite knitting patterns/designs. I still need to go through my saved projects and save any relevant info before I remove my account. I guess I'll be starting a knitting journal in earnest now! I'm so sad to lose Ravelry, which was hugely instrumental in my learning to knit in the first place and really has an excellent database -- but it's time. 



  1. What lovely socks, Shannon! Happy yarn accidents, like serendipitous yarn-stripe-matching, are the best. Leaving Ravelry is a wrench, as I too discovered in 2019.I hope you find ways to document your knitting that tap your creativity. Keeping an analog knitting journal has been a source of delight for me, and part of my own creative process.

    1. I really hadn't the slightest idea of how to make the stripes match, so I'm grateful it just happened! :-) I've been inspired by your lovely knitting journals -- I'm so glad you posted about them a few months back, as it's helped give me the courage to step away from Ravelry!


  2. I've only knit one pair of socks ever, it was hard for me to get the 2nd one finished! I agree with you on pushing politics or other agendas, time to step back from environments that do it or encourage it.

    1. I only just saw your comment!

      Yes, that 2nd sock is the worst! I like to knit two-at-a-time, so that they finish at the same time... but I've been lazy about that lately.

      And yes, it seems that more and more sites are devolving into this type of thing -- not really helpful, is it?


  3. Lovely knitting. I'm not that good or fast, so I've sort of been sewing lately instead. Congrats for quitting revelry. Not knitting, I haven't been there much lately. I agree on that agenda being promoted not OK with me. Thanks for being brave

    1. Thank you, Karen! I definitely prefer the quicker timeline of sewing, too -- but I have so many moments where my hands could be busy, that I do like to have a knitting project on hand.

      It's so sad that such a lovely site had to devolve to this! It's interesting that many people seem to have "fled," though often for very different reasons. I'm just grateful I've been able to find so many good patterns on Etsy now!



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