Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Staying Home

The past few weeks have been troubled, to say the least. As an introverted homeschooling mom, I can't say the isolation has been personally difficult. My husband's job is unaffected by closures, and we live in a semi-remote area that hasn't been infected (for now). But I know it's much harder for many others, whether the frustration of cancelled vacations or deeper concerns about livelihoods and health. 

I'm grateful to live in a rural area. The turmoil and panicked frenzy of the news (which I mostly avoid) seem blessedly distant as the rhythms of a new season unfold. Cows graze and tractors till the dirt, while the trees put out their buds. It's ever changing, but there's a sameness and steadiness, too. 

I paused Little Man's Thistle sweater to whip up a pair of merino socks for Rosa -- I call them her "Royal Ryes," because the yarn colorway is "Royal Court" and the pattern is Tin Can Knits' marvelous free Rye sock pattern. I've only done the "light" version before, written for fingering weight yarn. But I had a single skein of superwash worsted weight from a yarn subscription box, and a quick project sounded appealing. Of course, I spent well over an hour knitting the heel of one sock over and over, because I couldn't find a wrap-and-turn heel that was just right. I never did find it, but after knitting the heel six times, I thought it was time to give both my yarn and myself a break, and settle for a perfectly adequate heel. They are just socks, after all. I'll find the perfect heel next time. Maybe...

These knit up so quickly, thanks to the small size and the thicker yarn/larger needles. It took less than three days to finish them, even with the extra time spent on the heel (and homeschooling, and housework, etc.). I'm hoping they'll wash well, too, because my experiments with non-superwash socks have resulted in more felting than I'd like.

I have another skein of this yarn in "Empire" (an all-blue colorway), and they'll probably end up as socks for Little Man.

We're well into the third and final term of our school year, and I'm trying to keep up momentum to the end. Little Man and Rosa are much more independent with their work now, which is so helpful! But Laddie's ready for more one-on-one attention, and I need to adjust my routines to accommodate that. Life is never stagnant with young children. They're ever changing, ever growing, and that's both a blessing and a challenge. 

I try to remind myself often that God's plan is being worked out, both in my own life and in the broader context of history. It's all too easy to become weighed down by the anguish of personal grief and the uncertainty of global pandemic. The mountains I see from my bedroom window every morning help me to be still and know. To breathe deeply. To remember. 

I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember Your wonders of old.
I will ponder all Your work,
and meditate on Your mighty deeds.
Your way, O God, is holy.
What god is great like our God?
You are the God Who works wonders;
You have made known Your might among the peoples.
You with Your arm redeemed Your people,
the children of Jacob and Joseph. Selah

I hope you can find some stillness, friends, in the midst of a world that's chaotic even at the best of times. Let's look to the God Who redeems and works wonders.

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