Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Newest of Years

 I wasn't present in this little space very much during 2021 -- it's been a challenging year, busy with grief over my littles lost and busy with the joys of mothering my littles here. Now that the new year has dawned, I find myself nostalgic about the past twelvemonth. I realized there were several adventures and projects that never made their to way to this little space! They'll probably make an appearance here over the next few posts, even if a bit belated. Besides, I'm housebound while we're recovering from a nasty bout of illness (a variant of a certain you-know-what, I think), and what better way to pass the time than a bit of virtual scrapbooking?

Also, I've found that I've been more present on Instagram than here, likely because the process of posting is so much simpler. Immediate gratification, if you will. But I miss blogging, which feels more permanent and intentional. And while my social media usage was well-controlled for a long time, I've fallen into bad habits of wasting time there. Though, admittedly, if I just stuck to posting and keeping up with the (intentionally) few accounts I follow, it wouldn't be a problem... So while I'm not a New Year's resolution sort of person, the timing happens to coincide with my desire to have a healthier relationship with technology, and to model that to my children. Smartphones are so multi-purpose that I find it all too easy to spend a great deal of time on perfectly legitimate pursuits; but the end result (too much time with that little screen in my face) is the same.

Anyway, here's a little bit of this year's beginning: 

Despite not having done any sort of embroidery for as long
as I can remember, I loved the design of this kit and thought
I'd give it a go. Once I changed needles, it was an incredibly
therapeutic experience!

While the overtly "Christmas" decor has come down, I've left up as
much cozy winter touches as a I can.

Cozy winter projects in morning winter light. These colors make
my heart sing, and I've actually just finished up this pair of socks.

A few books harvested from my bookshelves that I'd like to read

this year. I'm also reading my daughter's Elizabeth Goudge story,
The Little White Horse, and purchased two vintage Goudge 
novels that I'm eager to start!

 I found this free reading log from Everyday Reading, and thought it was
such a lovely idea! 
I finished up several books right before the new year,
so technically I haven't completed any books yet in 2022...

The type of scene that I'll miss most when we move back to the east coast this summer -- I've
decided that mountains make the loveliest backdrop for just about anything!

I do hope your new year has been off to a good start! I'd love to hear what you're planning to read or sew or craft soon!


  1. I'm getting back interested in embroidery (well and many fiber crafts again). That is a very pretty pattern.

    1. I used to do a lot of cross-stitch, but never a lot of embroidery! I'm thinking I might get into it more.

  2. Dear Shannon,

    It's so good to read your words again in this space! May God grant you peace in 2022.


    1. Catherine,

      Thank you for your kindness! It feels good to be blogging again -- I hope I can be more present here this year. May God bless you richly in the coming year, too!



I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thank you so much for stopping by!